BETON AR SOLIDUniversal cutting disk with a wide range of applications.
BETON AR MAXXProfessional cutting disk with a very long service life.
BETON TURBO MAXXPremium diamond cutting disk with laser-welded turbo segments.
GRANIT NATURSTEIN MAXXLaser-welded, extra-high diamond turbo segments.
GRANIT NATURSTEIN SILENTWith sandwich blade core for particularly quiet working.
ASPHALT SOLIDLaser-welded diamond cutting disk for use in abrasive materials.
ASPHALT MAXXProfessional diamond cutting disk for cutting abrasive materials.
TFS MAXXPremium cutting disk specially designed for inserting and widening joints.
BCE-7Professional cutting disk for cured concrete. Can be used on floor saws with an output of 7.5 kW or more.
BCE-10Professional cutting disk for cured concrete. Can be used on floor saws with 10 - 22 kW output.
BCE-15Professional cutting disk for cured concrete. Can be used on floor saws with a power of 15 kW or more.
BCE-25Professional cutting disk for cured concrete. Can be used on floor saws with a power of 25 kW or more.
BCE-45Professional cutting disk for cured concrete. Can be used on floor saws with an output of 45 kW or more.
FBC HB 10Professional cutting disk for green concrete. Use on floor saws with 10 - 20 kW power.
FBC HB 15Professional cutting disk for green concrete. Can be used on floor saws with a power of 15 kW or more.
FBC MAXX JProfessional cutting disk for green concrete with abrasive aggregates. Use on floor saws from 20 kW output.
FBC MAXX K2Professional cutting disk for green concrete. Can be used on floor saws with a power of 15 kW or more.
FBC MAXX K3Professional cutting disk for green concrete. Can be used on floor saws with a power of 25 kW or more.
FSA 10Professional cutting disk for asphalt. Can be used on floor saws with 10 - 22 kW output.
FSA 18Professional cutting disk for asphalt. Use on floor saws from 18 kW power.
FSA 25Professional cutting disk for asphalt. Can be used on floor saws with a power of 25 kW or more.
FSA MAXXProfessional cutting disk for asphalt. Can be used on floor saws with a power of 25 kW or more.
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